0% Upper Primary Eligibility test (Class 6th -Class 8th) Eligibility test for Upper Primary Kids for Besharpp Scholarship test Select ClassLKGUKGCLASS-1CLASS-2CLASS-3CLASS-4CLASS-5CLASS-6CLASS-7CLASS-8CLASS-9CLASS-10CLASS-11CLASS-12 1 / 10 1) which bank is known as the bankers bank in india? A. reserve bank of india B. central bank of india C. bank of india 2 / 10 2) how many seconds are their in one hour? A. 3600 B. 60 C. 360 3 / 10 3) how many zero are their in one billion? A. 9 B. 8 C. 10 4 / 10 4) what is the full form of NCERT? A. nationalboard of india B. national council of education reading and training C. national council of educational research and training 5 / 10 5) rajasthan is the largest state of india? A. false B. true 6 / 10 6) RAM is the short form of? A. random accessories memory B. roman access memory C. random access memory 7 / 10 7) when is earth day celebrated? A. 21 april B. 25 april C. 22 april 8 / 10 8) how many days are their in an leap year? A. 365 days B. 366 days C. 355 days 9 / 10 9) what is the fullform of GOOGLE? A. global organization of oriented group language of earth B. global organization of optimistic language of india C. global organization of all round language of earth 10 / 10 10) the largest museum of india is located at? A. mumbai B. new delhi C. kolkata Your score is 0%